Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

DS report 2: A new discovery

Here is another downright silly report. I have discovered a formula that will help kids with younger siblings. Simply square the time you think it will take to escape your sibling, subtract your sibling's estimated awareness (as a decimal), add your estimated sneakiness (as a decimal), and divide it all by 5. You may need a calculator. Here's an example:

The formula for escaping your little brother/sister
%OE = t squared – A + S
Jerry wants to escape from his little brother. If the estimated time it takes to escape from his little brother is 2 minutes, and the percentage of his brother’s awareness is 60%, and the percentage of his sneakiness is 50%, what are his chances of escape in percentage? (Round to the nearest whole number if necessary).
%OE = (t squared – A + S) divided by 5
%OE = (t squared - .60 + .50) divided by 5
%OE = (4 - .60 + .50) divided by 5
%OE = (4 - .10) divided by 5
%OE = 3.9 divided by 5
%OE = .78
Jerry’s chances of escaping are 78%.
copyright 2008 buck research facility.

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