Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas...

Friday, November 16, 2018


People I've known, people I've loved

Those who knew me so well, and those who only thought they did

People I thought I understood, and those who rightfully know I never could

Those I've been there for, and those I wish to God I could do so much more for

The people I know will never abandon me, and those who drifted away

The people I would die for, and the people who have already forgotten my name

The choices that defined me, made me who I am

And the mistakes that haunt me, filling me with shame and regret

The people I've helped, and the people I've hurt

The people I never got the chance to thank, for they did more than they'll ever know

And the people I never got the chance to apologize to, for I am more sorry than I can say

The blood sister I never got to meet, and the friend who became like a brother

The days of tears, hidden from so many

And the days of purest joy, also hidden from those I love most

The terror of what lies ahead of me, and the ecstasy of daring to hope

Broken relationships that I have no idea how to mend

And restored brotherhood that I am not worthy of

Those I pray for every day, willing them to succeed and seize the day

Those whose hearts are now broken, the culprit not worthy of their love

Those who wait so very long, of their love who could be worthy?

The One whom I betray, who never sees me as a traitor

The One who I love, who I will always run back to

Justice for the oppressed, love for the lonely

Restoration to the truly repentant, forgiveness for those crushed by shame

Life to the lifeless, innocence to those longing to be made whole

Vision to the blind, purpose to those longing for a reason

Courage to the cowardly, longing to find redemption

Wisdom to those not satisfied, longing for all to be made right

And reward to the meek, the kind, to those who persevere

Let the Lion return, and let all who long for Him embrace with open arms

And tell this troubled heart to be still, bring peace to this troubled mind

Bring hope to this dying soul, pour water on this thirsty land

I need You