Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas...

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mr. Whittaker Helped Kids Cheat!!!

I was busy studying for my last final while listening to adventures in odyssey (it's a homeschooler thing to listen to AIO while doing schoolwork), and I noticed something very shocking.

I was listening to the episode "the Amazing Loser", and I realized that at the end of the scavenger hunt, both lead teams get the answer wrong. Then Mr. Whittaker and Eugene give both teams vital hints that allows one team of kids to guess the correct answer and win free tickets to "Water-World".

Even though the winning team (Barret and Priscilla) won because they were smarter than the other lead team (Jay and Matthew), that doesn't mean that the four or more other teams of kids that were still behind them wouldn't have figured out the riddle without Mr. Whittaker's hints. If Whit hadn't said anything, the other teams might have caught up and answered the question and beat Barret and Priscilla.

Whit helped the kids cheat! What is up with that? Did you notice the same thing? Did I explain it clearly? Comment below and let me know if you think this incarnation of Whit is weird, an amnesiac, and generally a bad influence on kids. Heh heh heh.

I hate the New 52 Odyssey Reboot. (sigh). Bring back Mandy Straussburg.