Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas...

Monday, May 19, 2008

DS Report 5: A train of thought

DS Report 5

Have you ever wondered how the mind comes up with answers?
Example: Someone asks you, "Can you tell me where you hid your money?"
How does the mind come up with an answer? Here's how: First, the mind thinks of one of the words in the question and goes from there. The mind chooses "tell". Here is what the mind is thinking, "Tell. William Tell. Told. For whom the bells toll. Earnest Hemingway. Ernie and Bert. Bert. The one with the big nose. Nose/No's. Plural of 'No'." The brain's conclusion, "No."

But what if the brain chooses a different word? Say... "Can". Here it goes! Can. Canned meat. Meat. Nice to meet you. You/U. U is shaped like a horseshoe. Shoe. Your shoes are untied.
Un-tied. Un. Negative. Negative answer. Such as "No". The conclusion, "No."

So you see, this is how the brain works. Next time you contemplate your answer to a question, try to work out the answer this way. Hope you found this Downright Silly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely Silly!
I was trying to follow the logic... until I realized you were being silly. Silly me.

Uh-wee, Uh-wee.

Uh-oh, got to go.