Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

BT Report 2: The Adventure

"BT" stands for Big Time.

We moved to San Diego! The new house is great! Me and my brothers have a HUGE room! There's a great view of the ocean from here, and we're not far from my cousins and grandparents. Okay, so the backyard is mostly a hill, and if you kick the soccer ball the wrong way...

One of the cool things is, before we even knew we were moving, I got a sense of boredom. Not your average (the kind that can be remedied with Lego's and a chocolate chip cookie), this was different. I felt like there was something more, that I wanted to do something I've never done before. It was this feeling that made me ready for the big move.

Funny, how God never throws us into something unless we're ready for it. For example, if God had us move three years ago, I would have been still in soccer. I wouldn't have wanted to leave. But God waited until these things were gone, until I was ready for an adventure.

I'm sure there will be many more adventures to come. Bring it on!

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