Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

DS Report 6: A Jumble of Silliness

I have an urgent report for all you people out there! The movie, "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" has come out in theaters! If you haven't seen it yet, go watch it! If you've already seen it, go watch it again! (I know I did!) If you've already seen twice, buy it when it comes out on DVD!

Oh, and I saw a dead squirrel today. Road Kill! When will they learn to stay on the sidewalks!

And another thing I want to talk about is... Left-handed people. I mean, really! Is there anything more annoying, than using the keyboard after they did, and the mouse is on the wrong side! Don't these people know they shouldn't be different! (I don't need to tell you if I'm joking or not. Just look at the title!)

Hey, hey, peoples, I'm a frog!
I love fuzzy, polliwogs!

There once was a magical tuna, who lived in the great white sea.
He lived next to a scary shark, who had him with ice tea!

There once was a magical penguin, who lived in Shakespeare's tree.
He lived next to another penguin, who was rehearsing Hamlet part three!

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