Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas...

Friday, September 5, 2014


Hello, everyone! This is your friendly Internet raccoon = Murray. No, we're not dead. And no, we're not in Germany lamenting the lack of homeschool freedom while listening to electronic dance music in speedos. (Yikes, that gives horrible images in my mind).

Anywho, thank you for remaining loyal fans as we try to finish our videos amidst busyness, chaos, and Sugar Thing's Skittles Mega Sugar Rushes.

Also, if you fans prove to be loyal (by commenting below) we may visit you in person to film and sing Disney songs!!!!


Oh, and Stevie wanted to say "hi" as well.


Rasheed Steve said...

Hey brother how are you doing? How's the wife and kids?

Stevie said...

What are you talking about? I'm a bachelor? Are you even the real Rasheed Steve or are you impersonating him?!

Rasheed Steve said...

Hey it was a joke. Boy, I ask you that every time I talk to you and you always say say you're a bachelor. Maybe you should check out cHarmony its a dating website for cardboard. How's the Fido?

Stevie said...

I'll try an online dating website OVER MY DEAD BODY!