Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas...

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Afters - Every Good Thing

Just a song that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Have a great day and thank God for something or someone special in your life. Like your Dad. Because you'd be out on the street singing for money like Speedy the Turtle if your Dad didn't work to provide for you.

Also, I would like to thank all of our fans for being so patient with us. If it weren't for you, we would have stopped making Murray & Filbert videos a LONG time ago. Stay Awesome!

3 comments: said...

That is a great song guys do more of those i think they are healthy said...

I just rewached the stolen data video and i would love to see a show about bulls

Mr. Unlikable said...

I said, "BIRDS." I do not know of these bulls you speak of. I am a bird. I am proud. And I am invincible. And furthermore, I am the BEST. It's okay if you're not the best because you are not ME. Maybe if I was YOU, I'd have something worth crying over... but I'm not, so you know...