Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas...

Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Homeschoolers' View: Narnia Film Trilogy Review - Podcast

Hello, this is HHC_Snowman and Airdog giving you our third podcast of The Homeschoolers' View with our thoughts and review on the Narnia Film Trilogy produced by Walden Media and based on the much loved children's fantasy-adventure books - The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.

Or if you don't have time for that, here's the conclusion:

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars - Faith-Filled, Deep, Awesome Action Scenes, but you should watch it with your parents if you're under 14 to 15 years old.

Prince Caspian
Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars - The Same Can Be Said For This Film, but it loses half a star because of the ridiculousness of the romance in the film.

Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars - Awesome Like The First Film, but it gains half a star because of the amazing message it offers its viewers.

Disclaimer: You may disagree with us on the exact rating that each film deserves, but I think we can all agree that all three films are awesome. This is merely our opinion. Thank you.

Skip to these times in the video to go to the topic you want to hear about if you don't have the time to listen to all of it. Also, beware of minor SPOILERS if you haven't watched the movies before. Since the spoilers are minor, they aren't marked in the video or in the time stamps. Listen at your own risk.

Time Stamps:

00:00 - Introduction & Yucky Duckies
00:58 - Keep Your Shirt On!
01:36 - How Did TobyMac Get Good At Rapping?
01:56 - Narnia Film Trilogy Background
02:50 - The Sound of Music and HHC_Snowman is a BAD combination
03:06 - Hotel Cookies!

03:45 - Airdog's Thoughts on the first Narnia Film
04:27 - The Fight Scenes in Narnia
06:36 - Should You Read the Books Before You Watch the Movies?
07:40 - Narnia Can Get Scary At Times
08:34 - Does the Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) Special Effects Still Look Believable Today?
09:02 - How the Prince Caspian Film Handled the Sadness of the Miraz's Castle Scene
10:25 - Don't Watch Gladiator Until You're 20!!!
11:09 - Avengers: Age of Ultron Brief Mention
11:23 - Beyond the Mask Discussion

12:51 - You Should Watch the Narnia Movies!
14:36 - The Narnia Movies Do Have SOME problems...
15:19 - The Character of Susan as Portrayed in the First Movie
16:51 - The Changes in the Prince Caspian Film that Worked and/or that We're Okay With
18:30 - The Change in the Prince Caspian Film that DID NOT WORK

19:53 - The Changes in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader Film
20:30 - Ramandu's Daughter IS a star
22:09 - The Green Mist
23:30 - The Changes in the Islands from Book to Movie
24:45 - Mr. Rhince
25:19 - The Addition of Gael & Morals Delivered Better than Disney
26:39 - RUN OVER THE BIRD!!!

27:09 - Concluding Thoughts to Christians and Homeschoolers
27:35 - That was in the Book?
28:07 - Wrap-Up & Rating of Each Movie
30:34 - Eat Cookies, Play Video Games, Comment on What You Want Next, and Bye!

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