Okay, I'm going to make this short because I know you all hate to read. (You love to watch videos, though, so a Murray & Filbert video should be posted in next couple of weeks).
I have just entered a writing competition hosted by Brock Eastman, a Focus on the Family employee. (For those of you who know Adventures in Odyssey radio show, Focus on the Family produces that show).
Currently, on this website (just type all that - or copy and paste it - into your browser to go there. Don't forget to ask your parents before going to the site, which is completely safe, family-friendly, and virus free):
There are ten short stories on that webpage. I wrote Sample #6. You'll know it when you read it, because it is about Ninjas. So the male audience of this blog will most probably love it. Also, if you are one of those unique girls who love medieval hand-to-hand combat, you'll also love it. If you are not any of the aforementioned personality types, you are still awesome, but you may not enjoy the story as much as others might. Okay, moving on.
If you have the time, simply read through the stories (so you have to love reading at least a little bit) and rank them in order of what you think is best. Then e-mail that ranking to:
If you are confused by the process, read the beginning of the webpage for more instructions. You can also ask your parents to explain. Parents are awesome and smart, so they should be able to help.
I will not ask you to rank my story as the highest. Just kidding. What's the point of having a blog if I can't shamelessly promote myself?
Anyway, if you don't feel like doing this, then tell some adults or older people about it, and they can do it if they want. Thanks you, fans! Also, here's a random video of a couple of penguins. Enjoy.