I bet you think miracles don't happen anymore, right? WRONG! Let me tell you about a miracle I experienced. I shall never forget it.
6 years ago... I was 5 years old... (No, it wasn't a dark and stormy night). My mom was pregnant at the time. I was playing early in the morning, when I heard a baby cry. I ran into my dad's room and jumped into his bed. Just then, my sister, Alisa, came in saying she heard a baby cry, too. My dad suggested we search the house for a baby. No baby was found. We all thought it was very strange. And it wasn't a vague cry either, not something you can just say it was your imagination. It was clear, though distant.
Months later... We came into the hospital, for my mom gave birth to a baby boy. I came in with the rest of the family, and saw Zachary, my new little brother, crying in a bassinet as the doctor was giving him a check-up. Now, that wasn't strange, except the sound of the cry. It was the same cry we heard months before! My dad said it was God letting us know that Zachary was coming.
Now maybe you don't think that's a miracle, but to me, it was a great miracle. God had let me see a glimpse of His great glory. And if you think that's big, these kind of miracles... are only the beginning.
Dedicated to Zachary Thomas San Vicente. A great brother... most of the time.